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Frank Pullia

Region will weather recession

In recent months, the clouds of an impeding economic storm have become visible on the horizon.

Pushing the frontier of science in Northern Ontario

What if someone was to tell you that within five years Thunder Bay could become one of the leading centres in the world for the early diagnosis of cancer? Would you think this was highly probable or improbable? I believe this is a hard question to an

Northwest benefit from changes to the electoral system?

On October 10, 2007 Ontarians will be asked to vote in a referendum to change the electoral system. This article looks at the possible scenarios and their implications for Northwestern Ontario.

Workforce adjustment in northwestern Ontario

One of the key areas identified in the “Common Voice” development plan for the North, is the creation of a Regional Enhancement Committee that would serve our region, share best practices, program information and specific initiatives to mitigate work

The Evolution of Contact (Call) Centres in Northern Ontario

The recent announcement by Superior Propane to open up a sales and administration office in Thunder Bay that would eventually employee up to 100 people (with wages ranging from $35,000 to $100,000) clearly indicates that Northwestern Ontario has come

Why is the price of gasoline going up and staying up?

In light of recent price increases for a barrel of oil and price hikes at the pumps, I think it is worthwhile to expand on this issue and look at the general trends affecting gasoline prices.

Will the Northwest region ever control its own destiny?

Northwestern Ontario has had a long history of feeling neglected by the decision makers in the provincial government of Queen’s Park in Toronto.

The municipal councillors and the strategic plan

With the municipal elections just over and many new councillors starting their four-year mandate, I thought it would important to discuss the changing role of municipal councillors within the context of the challenges facing Northern Ontario.

A successful example of Northern Ontario enterprising spirit

Statistics Canada Census provided Northerners with a stark reminder of the economic and population decline in their communities.

Looking after Northwestern Ontario first – developing our economic base (09/06)

It was only a few years ago that outshopping was emptying local stores and undermining the retail sector in just about every border town, not only in Northern Ontario but also across Canada. Then something happened.