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SRWC LLP Chartered Accountants celebrates 70 years of success thanks to the Greater Sudbury Community

Strong local ties and community support have driven SRWC’s decades of excellence and growth

SRWC LLP Chartered Professional Accountants is proud that for the past 70 years it has been one of the largest independent accounting firms in Northern Ontario, but it’s a milestone that the Partners say could not have been reached without the support of their clients and the Greater Sudbury community. From Vedran Dukic, a Partner at the firm, “SRWC’s longevity and achievements are deeply intertwined with the people we serve. Sudbury has always played a significant role in our firm’s history and success.”

SRWC was founded in 1954 by Alfred Favretto, who was born and raised in Sudbury by Italian immigrants. Sudbury has been a melting pot of hard-working immigrants who brought their dreams and determination to Canada. These industrious newcomers laid the foundation for the community’s success. Their relentless work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit didn’t just shape Sudbury, they also contributed to the growth of local businesses, like SRWC Chartered Professional Accountants.

Vedran says, “As these newcomers established themselves and their business ventures, they relied on SRWC for guidance and support allowing our firm to grow alongside the vibrant community.”

Many established businesses and household names in the Greater Sudbury business community have relied on SRWC’s professional guidance for decades, some for over 50 years. Vedran says, “These are some of our oldest clients who have become household names in the city. We believe our firm’s achievements reflect our clients’ continued support, and vice versa.”

A reputation built on integrity and trust

SRWC’s success story is a testament to the trust their clients have put in the firm. SRWC has an unwavering commitment to integrity and trust. It’s a company where every interaction, every financial statement, and every piece of advice is rooted in honesty and reliability. Vedran says, “We treat everyone with respect and fairness and genuinely care about the work we do. We believe that

by being transparent and dependable, we have earned our clients’ trust. Our clients know that they can count on SRWC for honest advice and accurate financial reporting.” Over time, word spread and SRWC built a solid reputation in the local business community.

SRWC’s reputation is not just built on words, but on decades of consistent ethical practice. Each generation of accountants at SRWC has upheld these core values, ensuring that their clients feel secure and valued. As a result, SRWC has not only survived but thrived, growing alongside Sudbury and contributing to its economic success. The firm’s commitment to integrity proves that doing the right thing never goes out of style.


Value to clients

SRWC makes their clients’ lives much easier by assuring them that whatever their financial needs, SRWC has the expertise to handle it. Vedran says, “We help guide businesses from incorporation, to financing, tax planning, estate planning, and business expansion. We ease their compliance burdens and add value to their business.” SRWC has their clients’ financial bases covered. Vedran adds, “We really help people manage their lives. We’re always looking for ways to assist well beyond the traditional compliance requirements of filing a tax return.”

It's a firm that remains focused on providing accounting and tax services to business owners. They’ve never engaged in other aspects of business that could compete or be a conflict of interest related to their clients. Vedran stresses, “Our clients can rest assured that we are providing objective tax planning advice. We’ve always prided ourselves on providing accounting and tax advisory services with integrity.”

SRWC’s success and longevity are linked to the value it puts on its clients. The firm has shaped a workplace culture that fosters trust and loyalty. The cornerstone of SRWC’s success lies in the trust it has garnered with clients over the decades. The firm has been a pillar of the community, built on the principle of treating people fairly, which has been a foundation of its culture since the firm was established in 1954.

Clients are family

For SRWC, it’s not about the numbers; it’s about nurturing relationships. SRWC Partners and staff are often invited to anniversaries, weddings, and other special events in their clients’ lives.

Some of the Partners have watched their clients’ children grow up, and now those children are running the business. Over its 70-year history, SRWC is proud to be serving 2nd and 3rd generation business clients.

Community connections

As a firm, SRWC has a heartfelt commitment to the Sudbury community, Every Partner is engaged with local charities and non-profit organizations on a personal level. Vedran says, “We care about our community and local organizations. We are passionate about helping these organizations that benefit the people of Sudbury and in offering our time and expertise, we want to see them succeed.” SRWC’s dedication to Sudbury is a testament to the bonds they’ve developed, and they want to make a positive, lasting impact.

SRWC’s success story is a remarkable journey that is inextricably linked to Greater Sudbury. The Partners sincerely want to thank the people of Greater Sudbury saying, “We are proud to have been part of the Sudbury community for 70 years and we are deeply grateful to such a dynamic and supportive community that has made our journey so rewarding.”

Contact the chartered accounting professional at (705) 522-2400 Email: or visit: