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Timmins joint-venture drill program underway (9/02)

The Kinross-Placer Dome Porcupine joint venture announced an aggressive $5.26-million diamond-drilling exploration program in their Timmins-Porcupine camp.

The Kinross-Placer Dome Porcupine joint venture announced an aggressive $5.26-million diamond-drilling exploration program in their Timmins-Porcupine camp.

With encouraging drill results in their search for new gold bodies over thepast two months, contractors are working at four sites within a 100-kilometre proximity to the Dome mill.

Still in the early stages of exploration, the project is employing five drilling contractors with 12 rigs.

Presently, diamond drilling is underway at the Dome and Hoyle Pond mines, at the Pamour property, the Hallnor-Bonetal-Broulan mine area, and at the Owl Creek and MacIntyre properties.

A budget is being drawn up for a more aggressive drilling program in 2003.