While a report on the Timmins building division in 2019 shows only a slight year-over-year drop in permits, the report says the division is performing at a 'notable loss'.
The annual building services report shows the division was short $339,774 last year.
"Clearly the permit fees collected do not cover the costs of the services being provided," reads the report from the manager of building services, Esa Saarela.
In 2019, the total expenses, both indirect and direct, for the division were $851,984. The revenues, including those from Black River Matheson, Iroquois Falls and Chapleau, were $512,210.
According to the report, for every $1 the division spent in 2019, only 60 cents was collecting in revenues to offset it. The service cost $19.74 per resident, or $45.30 per household.
In 2019, the city issued 412 building permits worth $405,884. Of those, 316 ($207,690) were residential and 96 ($198,194) non-residential. The city also brought in $97,941 in permit revenue from Black River-Matheson, Chapleau and Iroquois Falls.
This is a nine per cent decrease over 2018, when 448 permits were issued. Over the past five years, the report notes, the city has seen a year-over-year drop in the number of building permits being issued.
According to the report, the division is "performing very soundly" in regards to timelines.
"The average turnaround time from receipt of a residential building permit application to completion of plans review is 2.96 days and for non-residential permits is 7.79 days," the report notes.
"This service is being performed well within the required timelines of 10 to 15 days for residential permits and 15-30 days for non-residential permits."
– TimminsToday.com