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Health officer pressures businesses to become smoke free (6/02)

The medical officer of health of the Northwestern (Ontario) Health Unit is sending out warnings this month to thousands of businesses, ordering them to comply with provisions under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to eliminate second-hand ciga

The medical officer of health of the Northwestern (Ontario) Health Unit is sending out warnings this month to thousands of businesses, ordering them to comply with provisions under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to eliminate second-hand cigarette smoke.

In lieu of the lack of bylaws banning smoking in many municipalities, Dr. Pete Sarsfield is placing the onus on business owners to devise smoke-free policies. The health unit is asking that businesses with no-smoking policies contact them. The process should take about a month. The health unit will be reacting to customer and employee complaints, and fines for non-compliance could be up to $2,500.

Sarsfield issued a notice to municipalities in February stipulating that municipalities served by the health unit respond to him by May 31 with their intentions to establish bylaws banning smoking in enclosed public places. But so far only Ear Falls has indicated it will try to establish a bylaw.