By Kelly Louiseize
When a person in a family is diagnosed with cancer, the disease infects the lives of those around him or her.
In the cases when a child has been given the news, parents, relatives and friends rally around for support. In most cases one parent has to quit their job to take on the role of primary caregiver, leaving a gaping hole in the family’s financial pocketbook.
“It is hard enough to go through such an ordeal without worrying about where the next month’s rent, food or mortgages will come from,” says Jan Oystrick organizer of the Fantasy Ball to be held Oct.20.
Oystrick along with a committee team of eight community members are hosting a gala charity event located at the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club in Greater Sudbury. The proceeds will be given to the Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer.
Much like the supportive family and friends the Greater Sudbury business community is an extension of the North’s ability to rally round when challenges occur. The North, compared to southern Ontario has a smaller network of financial resources to draw from, Oystrick says, yet up to 20 companies are lending their support toward the cause.
Overjoyed by the response she says, “the sponsors of our event are the true natural resources of our community. They have come to the table to help others and make a difference in people’s lives.”
To date CVRD Inco, Studio Flowers, Scotiabank, Mining Technologies International, Atlas Copco, Laurentian Publishing, Laking Toyota/Northern Nissan, Carmen Talarico, Royal Bank, William Day Construction Ltd., Laamanen Construction Ltd., Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd., Dundee Wealth Management, Jan Oystrick Team, Sostarich, Ross, Wright & Cecutti LLP, and CIBC are the official sponsors of the black tie affair.
The night will begin with an imaginary boat cruise on the S.S. IDYLWYLDE with cocktails followed by a dinner then a dance compliments of the Sault Swing Band and DJ by Andre. A silent auction and a prize for a trip for two will be announced during the evening. The goal is to give $50,000 (after expenses) to the Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer. The organization will allocate the funds directly to the families in need, since it has very low administration costs, Oystrick says, and so far, “we are on target.”