The Blue Sky tourism region will benefit from a $100,000 provincial investment to better market regional attractions and events in the North Bay area. The funding will help promote regional events and attractions such as the Timber Train, North Bay's Heritage Festival Airshow, Chief Commanda II cruise ship and smaller local festivals. About $320,800 in total is being spent this year in partnership with the city and about 60 private and public-sector organizations to produce travel show brochures, develop Web content, and set up a toll-free information line.
Northern Development and Mines Minister Dan Newman also helped launch the Blue Sky Region Internet Portal Project in late March with $170,000 in funding that gives residents and visitors free access to the Internet. The portal project was designed as an Internet directory for local information and services. The Web site,, will be supported through a series of free-access computer terminals throughout the city. Eight of 12 locations are already in service.