Dixon Wapoose, a student from Simon Jacob Memorial High School in Webequie, has earned $2,500 for his video about the benefits of mining.
Wapoose won the prize for his video Webequie, Mining, Hockey, which he submitted as part of the Ontario Mining Association’s annual So You Think You Know Mining video-creation contest.
Wapoose, the only winner from Northern Ontario, won in the category Best Video in a Language Other Than English. In the video, he illustrates how mining creates wealth in the community, spreading to social benefits like a new hockey arena, which helps youth in Webequie continue their passion for playing hockey.
The annual contest encourages high school students from around the province to create a short video outlining how mining impacts modern society. The goal is to raise awareness of mining amongst youth, along with the economic benefits, employment opportunities, and end-use benefits that come with the industry.