This June, Canadore will be the only college in Ontario to deliver a specialized program for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which was developed in response to industry demand.
In 2007, the global UAV market was estimated at $40 billion, $787 million of which was reportedly earned in Canada. Analysts predict that the worldwide market will grow to a cumulative total of $71 billion by 2020.
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Operations and Maintenance College Certificate, will be delivered over the course of 10 weeks and will prepare graduates to operate and maintain a variety of unmanned systems for both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
Students will train in launching, flight operations, recovery techniques and maintenance procedures. The program includes a practicum with industry professionals at Canadore’s dedicated Aviation Campus. Overall, graduates will receive 350 hours of theory and practical experience to bring to the field.
“Unmanned aerial vehicles play an increasing role in the future of the aviation and aerospace industry,” said George Burton, president of Canadore College. “These systems are being used around the world for everything from mapping and surveying work to agriculture and communications.”
UAVs, commonly known as drones, are aircraft without a human pilot on board. Flight is controlled either autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle. Unmanned systems do not replace pilots and conventional aircraft, but rather augment the use of airspace for various applications, each having its own unique characteristic benefits.