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Noront weighs in Ring of Fire corporation

Ring of Fire junior miner Noront Resources has endorsed the Ontario government's proposal to create a development corporation to advance infrastructure planning in the James Bay region.

Ring of Fire junior miner Noront Resources has endorsed the Ontario government's proposal to create a development corporation to advance infrastructure planning in the James Bay region.

“We see this as a positive step and an appropriate model for infrastructure development in the Ring of Fire,” said Alan Coutts, Noront president and CEO, in a Nov. 13 statement. “As Noront nears completion of its environmental assessment process, clarity regarding the timing and the financing of infrastructure becomes paramount.”

Noront has favoured an east-west road corridor to move ore from its Eagle's Nest nickel deposit and its Blackbird chromite project.

“Road access is a key enabler of our Eagle’s Nest nickel mine and we are eager to see a workable infrastructure solution that will allow us to bring our mine into production, and kick-start job creation in the region. We look forward to participating along with other stakeholders involved in the Ring of Fire.”