Noble Mineral Exploration is reporting exploration work has begun at its Wawa-Holdsworth gold-silver project, located 20 kilometres northeast of Wawa.
MacDonald Mines, which is conducting exploration activity on the property as part of a joint venture agreement with Noble, has completed 62 kilometres of line-cutting work in preparation for magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the property. Results of the work will be used to map prospective drill targets.
Three gold targets have been identified on the property:
- lode gold in traditional quartz veins, known as the Soocana Vein;
- an oxidized cap at surface developed over a massive pyrite zone (Algoma Iron Formation) known as the Oxide Sands; and
- the precursor to the Oxide Sands — a massive pyrite zone (Algoma Iron Formation) at depths, known as the Massive Sulphide.
The company believes that there is potential to find additional high-grade gold mineralization at the Wawa-Holdsworth Project, which is comprised of 18 contiguous patented mining claims covering approximately 285 hectares.
In addition to the property in Wawa, Noble holds in excess of 70,641 hectares of mineral rights in the Timmins-Cochrane areas of Northern Ontario. The company additionally has uranium projects in Saskatchewan.