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New Hemlo gold miner preps for production

The first production blast at Harte Gold’s Sugar Zone project is set for June 30. The Toronto miner announced in a May 12 release it is making the transitioning from mining development ore to production ore at its gold deposit near White River.
Harte Gold’s Sugar Zone project.

The first production blast at Harte Gold’s Sugar Zone project is set for June 30.

The Toronto miner announced in a May 12 release it is making the transitioning from mining development ore to production ore at its gold deposit near White River.

The company has been shipping bulk samples of ore to Barrick Gold’s Hemlo mill for processing as part of a 70,000-tonne advanced exploration bulk sample.

The company said everything’s running on schedule and on budget.

An underground ramp has been extended more than 800 metres with the first ore development sill on the 375 level close to completion. The second ore development sill on the 360 level is scheduled to begin May 24th.

The company said production ore – mined by long-hole stopping, begins in early July.

“As per Barrick requirements,” the release said, “ore shipped to Hemlo must average 5 grams per tonne or higher. Harte Gold shipments to date exceed this requirement.”

Exploration on the property, 25 kilometres north of White River, remains ongoing.

Crone Geophysics and Exploration has started survey work to identify geophysical targets and confirm gold mineralization between the Sugar Zone deposit and the prospective Wolf Zone.

The survey will wrap up in early June and will be followed by a 5,000-metre drill program to test those targets. The drill program runs through September.