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System to help communities plan for affordable housing

FedNor providing funding to launch Rural Housing Information System in the North

A new digital tool coming to Northern Ontario will help communities plan for the construction of new affordable housing.

On Aug. 8, the federal government announced $119,875 from FedNor for the Rural Ontario Institute to launch the Rural Housing Information System in the North.

The system provides data related to demographics, economics, the housing market, housing supply, municipal development incentives, and zoning and municipal comparison tools, which stakeholders can use to plan out the construction and sale of affordable housing.

It’s targetted to municipalities, builders, developers, housing corporations, and Realtors.

Currently in place in 223 communities in eastern and western Ontario, the system enables participants to “better understand their housing supply and market conditions for planning and development purposes,” according to a government news release.

The newly announced FedNor funds will be used to hire a program coordinator for Northern Ontario.

“We are pleased FedNor recognizes the importance of the Rural Housing Information System and is stepping up to help us roll it out in municipalities and First Nations communities across Northern Ontario,” Zviko Gwekwerere, the Rural Ontario Institute’s northern coordinator, said in the release.

“Canada has a shortage of affordable housing units, and this project is helping to break down barriers, collect vital information and form strategic alliances that will lead to the construction of new affordable housing.”

As part of the project, the program coordinator will meet with municipal, Indigenous and economic development stakeholders to introduce the system and start collecting data, according to the release.

Once in place, 145 Northern Ontario communities are expected to join the system.