Indigenous delegates and allies from across the northwest will gather in Thunder Bay next month for Neeganii-Iishawin — “To Lead to the Gathering Place” — the second annual Northern Economic Development Gathering.
Slated to take place Feb. 10-13 at the Valhalla Hotel & Conference Centre, the event is expected to draw Indigenous communities, entrepreneurs, economic development leaders, and partners from across the northwest.
The conference is expected to focus on "economic development, reconciliation and the promoting the inbuilt prosperity of Ontario’s North," the organizers note.
Over the course of the multi-day event, participants are expected to speak on topics including lands and environment, tourism, natural resources, growth opportunities, land-based businesses, technology and innovation, and energy.
Activities will include a mix of keynote presentations, networking opportunities and a tradeshow.
The event is a joint effort of five partner organizations: Windigo Community Development Corporation, Matawa First Nations, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Shibogama First Nations Council and Independent First Nations Alliance.
Registration is open. More information is available here.