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Bridging the gap in the Far North

A new bridge and road system is being built in the Far North of Ontario to allow access to the First Nation communities of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwig and Wapekeka.
Winter road maintenance
Winter road maintenance in Northern Ontario

A new bridge and road system is being built in the Far North of Ontario to allow access to the First Nation communities of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwig and Wapekeka.

Aboriginal Apprentices The new road system and 90-metre bridge will eliminate the need for the 20 kilomtre ice crossing of Big Trout Lake to reach the two communities. The bridge could extend the winter access season by several weeks for residents, suppliers and visitors, and will be able to accommodate future development including mining in the area.

The bridge is expected to improve both access and safety on the access road. Construction has already begun by Asheweig Winter Road Corporation and expected to create five seasonal jobs to maintain the bridge and roads.