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Quick Facts about CLAC

  • Founded in 1952, one of the largest independent, multisector, national unions in Canada with over 60,000 members working in a wide range of sectors—construction, education, emergency services, healthcare, retail, service, transportation, manufacturing, and more.
  • Fourteen member centres located in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC.
  • Twenty-two active, independent, affiliated locals.
  • Over 900 current collective agreements successfully negotiated, and over 8,000 since 1952.
  • Over 3,000 bargaining unit certificates granted by provincial and federal labour boards.
  • Part of the international labour movement as an affiliated member of the World Organization of Workers

What Makes Us Different?

Building better workplaces
CLAC is a union that was founded on the belief that people, businesses, and work communities flourish when workplaces are based on cooperation and mutual respect—when we work with each other, not against each other.

In the face of intense adversity from unions that saw workplaces as war zones, our founders set out to create a different kind of labour union. Our commitment to building positive workplace communities and seeking win-win solutions still guides us today.

We think differently than other unions. We work to make your workplace a better place—so that you and your co-workers can grow both as a workplace community and as individuals.

Our approach is truly modern
We believe in cooperation, not confrontation. We work to make your workplace a better place—so that you and your coworkers can grow both as a workplace community and as individuals.

It’s why we seek to balance individual and collective interests when we negotiate. It’s why we only strike as a last resort. It’s why we don’t tell our members where to work, or our signatory employers who they can hire. It’s why we don’t force anyone to join us, or fine them when they leave. It’s why we use your dues money to represent and support you—not politicians or political parties.

Our Commitments

We build positive workplaces
We bring workers together to create a strong voice in the workplace, and help you achieve a better work life. Our approach is constructive, not confrontational. We talk; we don’t shout. Most importantly, we get results. And through it all, we help keep you working.

The values of respect, dignity, and fairness underpin how we negotiate on your behalf. We create a positive bargaining climate, seeking win-win outcomes. We get you what you need, without risking what you already have.

We’re champions of you
We have your back. We work hard to ensure you get the benefits and working conditions you need and deserve and protect your rights and safety. We also provide you with opportunities to grow, to expand, and to fulfil your potential.

We make every day great
We know that when people enjoy the work they do, when they feel rewarded and respected, when they want to be at work, then everyone benefits—workers, employers, families, and communities. That’s what we mean by everyday greatness.

Your Work

You spend a lot of time at work. That’s why we work hard to ensure your workplace is respectful, fair, and safe. We provide many services to help you enjoy your work and fulfill your career goals.

  • Representation – We’re here to represent you. To make sure you receive fair wages and working conditions. To stand up for you and your co-workers. To help build strong relationships in your workplace.
  • Training opportunities – Find the courses you need to succeed in your current job or grow your future career.
  • Apprenticeship funding – Apply for bursaries and awards to help cover the costs of your training.
  • CLAC Jobs – Don’t sit around in a hiring hall! We can help you take control of your career today.

Your Life

Our role is not just to support you at work, but also in your life. That’s why along with negotiating excellent wages and working conditions for you, we provide comprehensive health and welfare benefits, retirement savings plans, and much more.

As a CLAC member, you enjoy a range of additional benefits, including wellness programs, a great discount program, and scholarship opportunities for you and your family;

  • Group benefit coverage – CLAC negotiates health benefits and life insurance plans with you and your employer.
  • Retirement savings plans – Start building the retirement you want. For the last 50 years, the CLAC Pension Plan has been helping members save for their future.
  • Everyday member discounts – Your CLAC membership card is your ticket to savings. You have access to exclusive discounts on a wide range of products and services through the MemberPerks for CLAC discount program.
  • Scholarships – Every year, CLAC provides post-secondary scholarship opportunities to members and their spouses, children, and grandchildren.
  • Partnerships & Sponsorships - We partner with organizations to improve the lives of Canadians and workers around the world. Find out about the training initiatives and community projects.

Our Government Relations

  • We work with governments of all stripes, but we are nonpartisan.
  • We do not support any political parties or candidates.
  • We do not tell our members how to vote.
  • We do meet regularly with government officials to discuss labour and economic matters and contribute submissions on pending legislation affecting workers. We also attend some political functions to advocate for our members.
  • CLAC is independent of the Canadian Labour Congress. We provide a different union perspective on the issues that matter to workers.

Gord O’Coin, Regional Director

Our People