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Yummm...delicious goat

An open forum will be held for farmers in the Algoma district and those interested in pursuing agriculture opportunities in the goat market.

An open forum will be held for farmers in the Algoma district and those interested in pursuing agriculture opportunities in the goat market. Hosted by Algoma University's NORDIK Institute, the meeting will feature discussions of strategy, emerging ethnic markets and analysis of the local market.

The forum is slated for the Desbarats Community Centre, east of Sault Ste. Marie, on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m.

Colleen Alloi of Collholm Farms in Echo Bay said the local goat market is growing and more research needs to be done to define the demand. Changing provincial demographics have also led to changes in consumer food preferences.

The NORDIK Institute said 63 per cent of red meat consumed worldwide is goat.

NORDIK researcher David Thompson said goat would stabilize farm incomes year-round because of peaks in demand generated by Muslim and Hindu holidays.

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